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  4. Sparkling Summer Touch-ups
Sparking Summer Touch-Ups

Sparkling Summer Touch-Ups

  • With the kids out for summer, there are more messes than ever to clean, but less incentive to clean with beautiful sunny weather. Keep your house sparkling and spotless with these 5 tips that will help effortlessly contain sticky summer messes.

  • 1. Stove Degreaser

    When you're too busy grilling and enjoying s'mores over the campfire, don't forget to tidy up your stove in minutes with this all-natural stovetop degreaser:

    • Dampen a sponge with water and sprinkle with baking soda.
    • Gently clean greasy surfaces and wipe clean.
Stovetop Degreaser
  • 2. Nail Saver

    Summer stains sometimes get stuck on before you have time to clean them up, but melted popsicles, ice cream, jelly and baked-on sauces can easily be unstuck without using your nail to pry it up with this all-new Scrubbing Dish Cloth.

Nail Saver
  • 3. Natural Kitchen Cleaner

    This natural cleaning solution works on everything summer throws at you and your house. Simply grab a few ingredients from your pantry and have it sparkling in a jiff:

    • Combine ½ cup of white vinegar, 2 tablespoons baking soda, and 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle.
    • Top off with water and get cleaning.
Natural Kitchen Cleaner
  • 4. Microwave Miracle

    Clean your microwave in minutes with this fresh smelling summer solution:

    • Add ½ cup water and juice of half a lemon to a microwave safe bowl.
    • Microwave on high for 3 minutes and let sit for 5 minutes before wiping clean.
Microwave Miracle
  • 5. Simmer Scents

    Bring the sunshine inside this summer with an easy Summer Simmer Pot that will freshen your kitchen for days:

    • Fill up a medium stockpot halfway with water
    • Add 1-2 sliced lemons, a few sprigs of rosemary, mint or eucalyptus leaves, 3 tablespoons of vanilla and some shredded coconut
    • Simmer while at home for up to 12 hours to keep the fresh scents of the season indoors
Simmer Scents
whole_home kitchen heavy_duty_scrub_sponge scrubbing_dish_cloth stovetop_degreaser