Get Motivated to Clean

woman smiling with headphones around her neck

A clean home doesn’t just happen. As much as we’d all love to have a cleaning genie that does your chores with the snap of a finger, the reality is that we need to be cleaning up after ourselves. As busy as you are through the days and weeks, it’s understandable that the thought of cleaning strikes fear and dread instead of fun and enjoyment. Luckily in the following article, there are some ideas for things you can do to help make your cleaning seem less like a chore.

  • person on their smartphone

    Find Inspiration At Your Fingertips

    When it comes to cleaning, we all need a little nudge. For that, there's simply no better way than tuning in to our favorite cleaning channels on our TV or online, like, YouTube. The cleaning community is filled with helpful influencers offering fun advice to inspire us using hints, tips, and tricks, to help you make cleaning a more enjoyable, and productive time in your day.

  • caddy full of Scotch-Brite products

    Try A New Product

    Having the right tools is a key part of having a clean home. With the Scotch-Brite® Advanced Scrub Dots Non-Scratch Scrubbers, you get a non-scratch clean for your coated cookware, glasses, showers, and more — making it easy to take on big messes.  

    Stuck-on messes giving you grief? The Scotch-Brite® Advanced Scrub Dots Heavy Duty Scrubbers are perfect for your non-coated cookware, ceramic bakeware, oven racks and surfaces that require a deeper clean.  

    Created to be odor-resistant, and designed to rinse clean after each use, these scrubbers clean off food instead of trapping it for a clean you can see.

  • woman meditating with candles

    Match Your Home With Your Favorite Scent

    Each home has its unique scent. One that’s been crafted over years of cleaning and cooking. An easy way to find your scent, or discover new ones is to pair sprays and candles with your favorite Scotch-Brite™ Brand cleaning supplies.

  • woman listening to music

    Clean While Listening To Music Or A Favorite Podcast

    It’s easy to move when your favorite song comes on the radio. With that in mind, as an easy way to get cleaning every day, you can set up your favorite songs in a 20-30-minute playlist. Setting it for that time will ensure a complete clean in the area you wish. Now you can boogie down while you clean up.

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    Set A Timer For A Power Clean Up

    If you're micro cleaning here and there, a good way to feel productive is to set a timer every time you go into a room to see how much you can get done in that time. It can be for just five minutes, ten minutes, or thirty minutes — however much time you have. If your home needs a bit more help, there's nothing better than a power hour to get things back in order.

  • a to-do list and coffee

    Have A Cleaning Routine In Place

    If speed cleaning isn’t your thing, you can always build a daily cleaning routine that allows you to clean at your own pace. Little wins here and there, make a clean home everywhere. Make it a habit and less of a chore.

  • two people cleaning together

    Get Someone To Help Along

    Delegating cleaning responsibilities can give us more time to recover or pay attention to other items in our to-do list. Whether it is a partner, a friend, or a person you hire — you won't regret it. We all could use a little help from others.

  • a family sitting on the couch

    Reward Yourself After Your Cleaning Routine

    Just because cleaning is a much-needed chore, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a reward for doing it. Setting up a reward will help you get through whatever cleaning task is at hand much easier. Whether it’s some quiet time to read a book or some sort of delicious treat, rewards are an easy way to get your cleaning routine off the ground.